Expanding Your Content Beyond Financial Topics

One of the most common questions I receive from financial advisors creating video content is, “Should my content always be about financial topics?”

As a financial advisor, it’s easy to get stuck in the technical world of finances. However, if you want to differentiate yourself and attract your ideal clients, you’ll want to include non-financial topics in your content as well. Read on to learn why and how to get ideas.

To capture the attention of your ideal clients, you need to understand their unique needs and interests. This includes identifying their hobbies, passions, and even their emotional state as they move through life’s many transitions.

Start by identifying who your target client is.

Are they single moms running small businesses?

  • Address work-life balance and time management strategies for single moms who are juggling entrepreneurship and parenthood.
  • Provide resources for starting and managing a small business as a single mother.
  • Discuss the importance of self-care and stress management for single moms in business.

Women going through a divorce?

  • Offer self-care tips and strategies to help navigate the emotional, physical, and mental impact of divorce.
  • Explore mindfulness practices, meditation, and relaxation techniques for coping with stress and rebuilding self-confidence.
  • Discuss the importance of prioritizing self-care and establishing a support network during the healing process.

Recently retired couples?

  • Provide tips for maintaining physical health through exercise, nutrition, and preventive care.
  • Highlight the benefits of engaging in hobbies for mental stimulation, relaxation, and personal fulfillment.
  • Explore retirement-friendly destinations, volunteer opportunities abroad, or sharing personal travel stories.

Keeping your audience in mind, you can tailor your content to address their specific concerns. This helps build trust and establish you as an authority on the topics they care about.

Take a moment to think about the other areas of your client’s lives that you can cover in your content.

Remember that your expertise doesn’t just lie in financial topics, and only talking about that won’t be the most engaging approach for your clients.

Don’t be afraid to get personal. Share your own experiences and insights on topics that go beyond finances.

As a financial advisor, you have expertise beyond just managing money and creating financial plans. You can speak to life goals and aspirations.

By tapping into personal topics, you can connect on a deeper level with clients and prospects and position yourself as a trusted source of guidance and advice.

Share your knowledge on everything from real estate to travel, as it can go a long way in gaining the trust of potential clients.

This way, you’re showing your clients that you understand their life goals and dreams, and you’re committed to supporting them in achieving those aspirations.

To capture your audience’s attention through video content, use storytelling techniques that captivate and resonate with viewers.

Try incorporating relevant examples and anecdotes to provide a personal touch, and keep your content informative, yet fun, and engaging to maintain viewer interest.

While your lighting, framing, and audio should be on point, remember that we’re aiming for easy and authentic video which will bring out your personality, so be yourself.

When I break it down to why I am most passionate about video for financial advisors, it’s because there are still millions of people out there who don’t even know you exist, or they have a completely outdated idea of who financial advisors are and the great work you do.

That’s where video content comes in. It’s the next best thing to being in person and it allows you to connect with your clients and prospects on a personal level (often before you even know who they are!) and make sure they understand how you can truly help them.

Create valuable and engaging videos that go beyond just financial topics.

By understanding your ideal clients and tailoring your content to their interests and concerns, you’re able to connect with them on a more personal and meaningful level.

This approach then becomes even more powerful when you leverage video content, as it allows you to reach a wider audience and effectively show the true value you offer as a financial advisor.

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About Katie Braden, CFP®

Katie is an 18-year veteran in the financial planning industry who founded Advisor Video Marketing to merge her love for financial planning and the transformative power of video.