

While indirect, natural light is always best (and free!), it’s not always available. We often...


Investing in an external USB microphone is key to enhancing your audio and there are...


Have you ever been curious about that blurred background effect you see in videos? Having...


One of the most common questions I receive from financial advisors creating video content is,...


Welcome to the first installment of my ‘Hey Katie’ series, where I answer the top...


Welcome to the third installment of my #HeyKatie series, where I answer some of the...


Welcome to the second installment of my #HeyKatie series, where I answer the top three...


Are you looking to get started or up your video content game with your smartphone?...


If you’re already using Canva, here’s another awesome use case for it. And if you’re...


As a financial advisor, building and maintaining strong relationships with your clients, prospects, and Centers...


Have you tried creating videos? But as soon as you hit record and you saw...


In virtual meetings, it can be tempting to look at yourself and those you’re meeting...


Shooting videos outdoors can be fun (and healthy ☀️), but because you’re at the whim...


This week we’re diving into all things lighting for video and virtual meetings. This can...


Your clients and prospects can’t be fully engaged during your virtual meetings if your audio...


As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. In many settings, face-to-face meetings...